Heidi has been with NWA since 2004. Prior to her current role as the Vice President of Document Compliance, she managed a large case load of clients as a Plan Manager. She currently works with all of our clients to ensure their Plan is in compliance with the industry’s rules and regulations as well as ensuring they have the Plan design that is best suited for their current situation.
Through her years at NWA, Heidi has attained the industry specific credentials Qualified 401(K) Administrator (QKA), Qualified Pension Administrator (QPA) and Enrolled Retirement Plan Agent (ERPA). As an ERPA, she is able to represent clients before the Internal Revenue Service and has done so successfully as part of Plan audits and correction programs. Heidi is also a member of the American Society of Pension Professionals & Actuaries (ASPPA).
In her free time, Heidi enjoys yoga, running, hiking and volleyball. She also loves spending long weekends at her family’s lake house with her husband and three children.